Milana Nyui

I started doing yoga in 2019.

- In 2021, I realized that I want to share my knowledge and help people.

- In March 2021, finished my education at the International Yoga Association of India and received an international certificate and license with the right to teach Hatha Yoga.

- Until 2022, I taught yoga in Russia and in 2022 I moved to Japan.

- Now I give knowledge to students in two languages English and Russian. In the future, I plan to teach in Japanese

 - Яначалазаниматьсяйогойв 2019 году.

 - В 2021 годуяпоняла, чтохочупередаватьсвоизнанияипомогатьлюдям.

 - Вмарте 2021 годаяпрошлаобучениевМеждународнойАссоциацииЙогиИндиииполучиламеждународныйсертификатсправомпреподаванияХатха - йоги.


 - До 2022 годаяобучалайогевРоссииив 2022 годупереехалавЯпонию.

 - СейчасяпередаюзнанияученикамнадвухязыкахРусскомиАнглийском. ВбудущемпланируюобучатьнаЯпонскомязыке.

My name is Milana, I am 30 years old and yoga is an important part of my life. Just like love, air and movement.


You will never know how important it is to practice yoga until you take a step into the yoga world. Often this step is unconscious, you just start doing yoga and later you understand that yoga is you.

Yoga is not a teacher, not a yoga studio, and not even a path to enlightenment.

Yoga -  is you.


About practice.


During the lessons with my students, I try to direct humans attention into the body , and realize the moment here and now. In everyday life, you dont hearing yourself. You are hearing  thoughts about the past, the future and are fascinated by emotions. Thus, you are wasting energy on something that does not really exist.

Yoga is an alarm clock, you wake up during practice and feel life in the moment.


Through the body, you feel this world and the way your body moves in space, the way you breathe, gives you a sense of life.

I invite you to my classes and want to share my knowledge.


The purpose of my studies.


To help the student come to a conscious life through a strong body.

A strong body and proper breathing help you cope with the games of your own mind, often out of our control.

My teacher's slogan is "Don't teach, don't harm, guide."

I always improve my knowledge and deepen into yoga thanks to my students, thank you very much.

I am grateful for the ability to teach yoga and for my teachers.
